Hi there :)

For my next blog entry (which, truthfully, has to be quick because I have about a million other things I could and should be doing right now), I want to share with you three things.

Numero Un~

I feel as though I must share how bitterly cold it has been the past two days where I live.  It makes insanity seem sane.  The temperatures are literally too cold for existence to well…exist?!  I’m not kidding either!  You may feel, while reading this, that I MUST be exaggerating.  But, I assure you that I most certainly am NOT.

However, I shouldn’t be surprised considering how bipolar my state’s climate generally is.

And, living here all of my life, I shouldn’t find it unusual that we go from a fairly warm and almost decent week to this…madness.  I feel like I should hide inside drinking hotter than hot tea by the fire WHILE wearing a snuggie.  Okay…besides the fact that it’s biting cold and nastily FREEZING…I shouldn’t complain because, where I live, you can’t complain.  Well, you can.  But it would be pointless cause it won’t do you any good.

Rant’s over.  Just thought I’d share.

And, to top it all off, while running errands today, I refused to put on my coat.  All I had to do was run inside…a very short distance.  I’m officially nuts.  It was 15 degrees…

I could have died!

I guess my whole point here is that you live in a North-Midwestern state when the only thing that keeps you walking as you freeze to death outside, WITHOUT a coat on I might add, taking that terrible walk to and from your vehicle…it seems so far away…even though it’s definitely not…is when you keep repeating out loud (it acts as fuel), “Butt heat.  Butt heat.  Butt heat.  You’re going to have butt heat.  BUTT HEAT!!!!”

Thank goodness for the butt heat option in SUVs.
Numero Deux~
I haven’t had my voice in over a week now, and I’m just now getting it back.  I can’t tell you how my “chronically apt to getting a severe cold resulting in laryngitis every Winter about early December (That’s NOT mentioning when I get it in March and September.  No big deal.)” unintentional habit is getting on my nerves.  Is it something I did?  I’m blaming Black Friday.
The plus side is that my hoarse voice is pretty hilarious.  Especially when I actually try to say things to people…I usually get the, “WHAT?!” response…but, everyone compliments how cute it is!
Numero Trois~
Inflatable, unnecessarily large Santas are so tacky.  Oh. My. Lordy.  The snowmen are almost worse…
Thank you, and have a wonderful night!

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Sophie.

Hi.  My name is Sophie.  I really enjoy good company.  And I’m sure I’ll enjoy getting to know all who come!

Writing is definitely something I adore, and I’ve been told that I’m pretty darn good at it.  I plan for my blog entries to not necessarily have a theme, or pattern, or repetitive ritual.  They’re all going to be unique and beautiful in their own specific ways!  While seriousness and depth is extremely important to me, I fully consider simplicity to be a must at times.

Don’t expect rants.  But DO expect my personal beliefs, thoughts, ideas, ideals, and pure reflections of my heart.

Couple things about me I can share quickly:

~I’m thoroughly, wholeheartedly, completely, totally, wholly, utterly, and unconditionally a performer.  The stage is where I want to dwell.

~Coffee is probably my best friend.  Besides my lovely mom 🙂

~I love my family.  Very much.

~Dance is, quite possibly, the biggest joy of my life.

~Playing the piano, next to dance and scripture, is the most calming and relaxing thing EVER.

~I need energy.  No matter how much I rest, how much sleep I get, how much time I take…I’m always lacking energy.  But, I push through it and conquer!  Always.  If always is most of the time.

~I believe it’s important to finish what you start.

~I’m Eurasian.  If you don’t know what that is, I pity you deeply.

~I have conservative values.  But, I love everyone just the way they are! 🙂  While devotion to one’s cause is important, acceptance is as well.  Support and class is vital and necessary.  As is respect.  Tolerance is just as important.

~I love experimenting…with just about anything.

~Avid list-maker?  Yeah, that’s me.

~Baking, cooking, (and anything to do with food preparation) and I are like bffs 🙂

~I use hairspray…too much.

~I’m only 19 years old and have already experienced some of the most traumatizing, frustrating, and painful things imaginable.  But, I’m holding on.  And I’m never going to let go.

~I never like any job I have.  No matter how much I think I’ll like it…I never do.  I just go to get paid!  Though my current one isn’t too bad 😉

~I am the SLOWEST eater you will EVER meet.  I promise you this.

~I have a disorder.  And while I don’t think it’s particularly important to share what that disorder is right now…it’s something that I’ve had to fight for quite some time now.  Related to anxiety, it’s been a struggle and hardship.  But, I’m not going to give in to it.  No matter how hard it’s been.

~I’m in LOVE with musicals…Broadway, movie, stage…whatever!  ANYTHING.  It’s like…my thing.

~I blast music and dance in my kitchen when I’m doing dishes.  No big deal.

~I prefer chocolate to candy.  But, I also prefer fruit to chocolate…or…can I have both?  Cause I’ll definitely take both!

~I enjoy reading…if I have no other work to do.

~I play many instruments and wish to play more!

~Foreign language is a passion I have.  ASL has always intrigued me.

~I do not attend college.  I do, however, plan to.  I just need to figure out life first.  And a major…and a college.  I have lists.

~When I listen to music, I am inspired.  In so many ways…

~Speaking of lists…I’m a compulsive list-maker.  It’s a hobby!

~Broadway and I will someday meet.  That’s a promise.

~My schedule always seems to be too full.  Sometimes, really all I want to do is sit at home and just be overcome with peace and a freeness so unbelievably content…….it’s like something I’m always craving.

~I love where I live.  And I always intend to hold a special place in my heart for this place.  But, from the time I was a small child, my fascination with Chicago grew and grew.  I’m in love with that place.  This summer, I got to experience one of my dreams.  I was in Chicago, and loving every second of it.  It wasn’t the perfect trip…but I was there.  And it meant something to me.

~Alarm clocks do nothing for me.  They and I are no pals.

~I often wonder how time works and why it seems to go by so fast.

~I have great respect for authors, writers, and poets.  Many of them.  Jane Austen, John Steinbeck, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, and C.S. Lewis are some of my favourites!

~Math and I have a love-hate relationship.

~If I have gum, although this gum MUST be mint-flavoured, it’s dangerous.  I can’t stop chewing.  My jaw’s in serious trouble.  If there was gum rehab, I’d need at least a day’s worth.

~I LOVE makeup.  And, somehow one of my favourite eyeliner pencils disappeared last week.  Took me a few days to recover and get over it…

~Money and I just can’t seem to agree.

~I thoroughly enjoy mystery and intrigue.

~History and Art have always been my favourite subjects.

~I was supposed to be born in the 80’s.

~Photography is the epitome of brilliance.

~Art is one of the most incredible things.  Life, itself, is art.  From music to dance.  Song to acting.  Writing to playing.  Sketching to sculpting.  Painting to choreographing.  Creating to performing.  It’s all so beautiful.  And I love everything about it.

~Friends and I don’t always mix well.  Things almost always end up badly.  It’s unfortunate, and discouraging.  I still believe that I have yet to find that “great friendship”  …..you know?  The one that’s supposed to last a lifetime.

~Creativity and imagination is a must.

~I love Jesus.  With all of my heart.

~I enjoy words.  Especially those long, pretty-looking ones.

~Christmas just isn’t Christmas without snow.

~I’m ardently fond of yoga pants.

~There needs to be more hours in a day.  To apply to my schedule, of course…I am such a night owl…….but, I LOVE the morning!  Early morning!  It’s a problem.

~The sun rising is a gorgeous thing!  But, sunsets are the truest of beauty there could possibly be.

~I choreograph to movie scores.  A lot.

~I will own a Morkie (Maltese and Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier) mix) at some point in my life.

~When I was little, I decided I’d be married by the time I was 22.  And have my first child within two years of that.

~I have yet to find love.  That heart-melting, heart-pounding, heart-stopping kind of love.  Yeah, that.  I believe God has chosen my Charming for me.  And, I’m not looking for him or waiting for him.  I’m just living life.  Our paths will cross when they’re meant to cross.

There is a LOT more about me that I’m sure will come up whenever it does…and so on…yeah…:)

So, feel free to stop by and visit again whenever you get the chance! 🙂

I’m very excited to be blogging!  It’s something I’ve said I’d do, and really wanted to do, for a very long time.

I could go on and on and on…but, I have some amazing ginger molasses cookies ready to be taken out of the oven.  The aroma is simply delicious!  And the rest of my scrumptious latte, though not the best I’ve had, is calling my name.  And despite my exceptional talent to flawlessly multi-task is a possibility to enact…I’d rather give them my full time and attention 🙂

Time for some nighttime relaxation and reflection time.  Dimming the lights and lighting the candles…Just my stretching, latte, chamomile tea, and I 🙂 and maybe a cookie, too!

Have a wonderful evening!

This blogging thing is something I think just might stick…